Sunday, March 22, 2009

Delia*s New Apparel

Just a heads up for anyone interested in DELiA*s:
Their jeans are currently buy one, get one 1/2 off, and on top of that, right now they have their rising star dollars, which means spend $50 and you get a voucher to save $25 when you spend another $50 at a later time.

I was in DELiA*s the other day and the sales associate mentioned to me that their new apparel is coming out Tuesday, so be ready! Happy Shopping!

Macy*s One Day Sales

Sorry I didn't get to post this weekend! I wish I would've had time, because there was a great deal at Macy*s One Day Sale! In the Juniors section, many items were $4.99 including some cute cardigans, which are a great staple to have to go over strapless and spaghetti strap dresses. But the best deal, in my opinion, were the American Rag Jeans! These are great, hip, jeans that fit well and are stylish. Some of the jeans were discounted to begin with, plus the jeans were buy one get one free! I ended up getting two pairs of jeans for $19.50! I'm sorry that I didn't get to post before the sale ended, but I just wanted to post so that you would keep an eye out for these one day sales-Macy*s runs them pretty often. The sales are only valid until 1PM though, so if you're going to go, go early! Happy Shopping!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Victoria's Secret Panty Deal

Right now in-store, the Victoria's Secret Pink Panties are 7/$25. Normally they are 5/$25 so this is a great deal. Plus, right now, if you try a certain bra, you get a free card for $5 off your purchase! Not sure if this can apply to the 7/$25 panties, but if it does, that is only $20! I'm addicted to the PINK panties and I definitely recommend them for comfort and cuteness! My favorite are the Lace Trimmed Hipsters ->
Happy Shopping!

Aerie A-list

One of my favorite things to be a part of at the moment has definitely got to be the Aerie A-list. To join, just visit any Aerie stand-alone store (Aerie is the dorm/sleepwear portion of American Eagle). I do not know if they are still accepting members, but if they are, it's definitely something you should be a part of. Upon signing up, you get a free panty! There underwear is so cute-I would definitely say it is comparable to the VS PINK line. Also, once you are a member, going on a Thursday gets you a free gift! (one per month). This month, the gift was a cute nylon tote, which supposedly retails at $15.50:
You also get a free gift on your birthday!

Also when you go into Aerie this month, they are running a promotion that if you try on a bra, you get a free scratch-off card. My scratch-off card was for $5 off ANY purchase. I'm not exactly sure what the other offers are, but I tried to research online and it looks like the other scratch-offs are for $10 off, a free panty, or a free bra worth up to $30!

Needless to say, I think Aerie is the place to be this week. Go as soon as you can, because I do not know how long any of this will last!


I am a college student, and I hope to use this blog to inform everyone of the best deals out there for college students and anyone who loves the thrill of finding a great deal or great freebie. Happy Shopping!